On 12-Jun-08, at 9:20 AM, Paul Ramsey wrote:
- Putting our policy online (presumably copied from Apache
shamelessly) in a findable location, to conform to the legal norms of
our host nation.

I'll have to re-read Arnulf's note to understand more precisely what you are referring to here... we don't have the tax exemption in place yet, if that's what you mean.

- Having a plan to take better advantage of our host nation status. We
pay a good deal in terms of administrative overhead to be a fully
tax-exempt charity in the USofA, what fund raising plans have we
linked to that status?  Is that status gaining us anything at all, at
this point?  The only connection I have *ever* heard was Michael
Tiemann saying he'd only contribute if he could get a US tax

Getting to the US tax-exempt status has taken more time than expected. We hired some help to handle the application process for us, but that hasn't sped up the proces too much. My latest update shows we are close to completing the application and getting into the approval queue after I answer a few more questions. That said, it will help any US donor on taxes - especially our US-based sponsors. It will also make it possible for us to apply for certain US-based grants/funding that require that status.

Landon wrote:
I've never seen any type of fundraising plan. Do we have one? If we want to take advantage of our tax-exempt status do we have a list of American
companies that might be possible contributors and might also be
interested in a tax write-off? Do we need to assemble a team to handle
fund-raising efforts?

Formal fundraising has been a challenge, though just defining what that means is a challenge. I started compiling my thoughts on the topic but didn't get them distributed. In so far as the conference, presentations, booths and one-on-one discussions go - we are fairly active in what ultimately ends up helping fundraising.

There was a fundraising committee but it was tough to get moving. So its responsibilities were rolled back to the board. To help this I wanted to get a plan together but have been busy with other things.

A team that is bigger than just the board and I, could be very helpful.

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