On 3. juli. 2008, at 23.02, Dane Springmeyer wrote:

However - I have another dataset from the middle east, and approaching this data the same way, even trying to reverse the dataset from the images, it still fails:


I can see from the Qgis mouse coordinates in the lower right that the shapefile you created likely has x,y coordinates in a projected coordinate system (at least different from WGS 84/4326). My first (wild) guess would be to add a .prj file from spatialreference.org for a UTM zone that covers your area of the middle east (you'll be need to find out what exact zone number is needed if it is in UTM).

I would try:


Not having worked much with GIS systems or projection/coordinate systems before, I am struggling to understand the meaning of all this. However, the following (esriwkt) was the result of the visit to the link above, and I am injected it into the .prj file before running the script all over again: PROJCS["Nahrwan 1967 / UTM zone 39N",GEOGCS["Nahrwan 1967",DATUM["D_Nahrwan_1967",SPHEROID["Clarke_1880_RGS", 6378249.145,293.465]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0],UNIT["Degree", 0.017453292519943295 ]],PROJECTION["Transverse_Mercator"],PARAMETER["latitude_of_origin", 0],PARAMETER["central_meridian",51],PARAMETER["scale_factor", 0.9996],PARAMETER["false_easting",500000],PARAMETER["false_northing", 0],UNIT["Meter",1]] Please let me know if I got this completely wrong and please excuse my lack of knowledge here.

UTM is a likely candidate if the data came from a GPS unit, but its just a guess.

It did. Garmin GPSMap 60 CS.

But, still, even with the new projection file, this thing still looks like this:


I even tried reversing the coordinates in the input file, but with almost the same result:


Hm... Not sure how to proceed from here.

In Qgis you should be able to reproject to UTM and label your points. Qgis will also export to PNG format if that is what you want. However I don't think that Qgis will output an ESRI world file (the only way that I know to keep a PNG spatially reference... but the application uDIG will output a .wld world file to spatially reference a PNG).

I am in need of a open source command-line style software here, in order to automate this entire endevour.
Both uDIG and QGIS appears to be GUI style applications.

Are there a way around this to let me export the shapefiles I have to a .png raster file to complete my mission?

Kjell Are

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