Hi LiveDVD-Builder,

I'm very happy that the concept of live-images also hit FOSS4G-conference. FOSSGIS e.V. (formerly known as GAV e.V.), who will (hopefully) be the institutional form of local chapter DACH soon, startet using live-images about 2 years ago. At the german language conference "FOSSGIS" in April we used live-images to provide all the workshop-notebooks using PXE-boot with individual liveimages booting at the beginning of a workshop. A list of the held workshops (sorry only in german, but the projectnames are uni anyway) can be found on this page: http://fossgis.osgeo.net/wiki/Workshops_2008 and show which applications we already integrated in a liveimage. Right now our "flagship" is GISlivePE, a LiveDVD providing very recent developer snapshots of QGIS and GRASS. Our most recent PE-version (preview edition) produced for the Intergeo 2008 (http://www.intergeo.de/2008_en/englisch/index.php) got the developer snapshots from 09/24/2008. (For download see http://www.gav-ev.de/gislive/download/). We are already thinking about a VE (variety edition) to provide the big variety of FOSS GIS-Software and Data including most (if possible all) of the OSGeo projects and may be some more (josm, openJUMP, Geoserver, ...) on a more stable basis - we are using Debians live-helper system.

I think providing (may be including localisations and editions) livesystems under the roof of OSGeo could have a very good PR-effect.


Mark Leslie schrieb:
We at LISAsoft are in the process of setting up a Live CD.  While the
ultimate goal is a 'comprehensive' version by FOSS4G2009, we're starting
with a fairly short java-centric stack of software in order to get the
details worked out and get something out the door soon.  Our goal is to
have a cut available next week, with something polished by the 22nd,
hopefully leaving enough time before Capetown for anyone interested to
get some copies burned.
So I suppose my first question is, is anybody interested in having a
copy of this CD?  Is there somewhere appropriate we could upload an image?

fn:Marco Lechner
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