I'm very excited to hear about what seems to be a very successful use of your LiveCD efforts.

For FOSS4G2009, we have been discussing whether we should use the LiveDVD as the basis for workshops. (The other high contender will be osgeo4win, based on windows, as many workshop attendees will be familiar with windows)

From the distribution building point of view, I'm keen to collaborate with what you have been doing.
Could you please join us on this list to continue discussions:

If you haven't already found it, we are using this wiki as our working document:

Marco Lechner wrote:
Hi LiveDVD-Builder,

I'm very happy that the concept of live-images also hit FOSS4G-conference. FOSSGIS e.V. (formerly known as GAV e.V.), who will (hopefully) be the institutional form of local chapter DACH soon, startet using live-images about 2 years ago. At the german language conference "FOSSGIS" in April we used live-images to provide all the workshop-notebooks using PXE-boot with individual liveimages booting at the beginning of a workshop. A list of the held workshops (sorry only in german, but the projectnames are uni anyway) can be found on this page: and show which applications we already integrated in a liveimage. Right now our "flagship" is GISlivePE, a LiveDVD providing very recent developer snapshots of QGIS and GRASS. Our most recent PE-version (preview edition) produced for the Intergeo 2008 ( got the developer snapshots from 09/24/2008. (For download see We are already thinking about a VE (variety edition) to provide the big variety of FOSS GIS-Software and Data including most (if possible all) of the OSGeo projects and may be some more (josm, openJUMP, Geoserver, ...) on a more stable basis - we are using Debians live-helper system.

I think providing (may be including localisations and editions) livesystems under the roof of OSGeo could have a very good PR-effect.


Mark Leslie schrieb:
We at LISAsoft are in the process of setting up a Live CD.  While the
ultimate goal is a 'comprehensive' version by FOSS4G2009, we're starting
with a fairly short java-centric stack of software in order to get the
details worked out and get something out the door soon.  Our goal is to
have a cut available next week, with something polished by the 22nd,
hopefully leaving enough time before Capetown for anyone interested to
get some copies burned.
So I suppose my first question is, is anybody interested in having a
copy of this CD? Is there somewhere appropriate we could upload an image?

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Cameron Shorter
Geospatial Systems Architect
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