Interested in a different approach that is lower impact, but still
interesting and entertaining? Have developers review a "competing"
project and then present their findings, in the form of "What I love
about ___, what I hate about____".

Jody Garnett presents "What I love about QGIS, what I hate about QGIS."
Jorge Sanz presents "What I love about uDig, what I hate about uDig."
Tim Sutton presents "What I love about gvSIG, what I hate about gvSIG."

Not only do you get an unvarnished view, but you can have shorter
presentations with a discussion segment at the end of each one.

Works for almost any application category too.


On Sun, Dec 20, 2009 at 12:12 PM, Cameron Shorter
<> wrote:
> A couple of links to reviews of desktop clients at:
> In particular Stefan's summary of clients is the best I've seen so far.
> is quite comprehensive.
> The steps I see toward kicking off a Desktop comparison at FOSS4G are:
> 1. One person to step forward and offer to drive the comparison through to
> completion. (This can be a couple of people, but it usually starts with
> one). Effectively act as a project coordinator, setting up wiki pages,
> contacting potential parties, ensuring scope is capped. Paul Ramsey, Andrea
> Aime and Jeff McKenna seemed to be the driving people behind the WMS
> shootout. If you are reading this and think you might be able to fill this
> role, then please speak up.
> 2. The key projects need to be contacted, and at least one volunteer
> identified for each project. Ideally, there will be at least 3/4 of the
> projects represented. Within a year or two, any potential gis desktop user
> will start their search for clients by reviewing the results of the Desktop
> shootout, so projects represented in the shootout will become the dominant
> projects. (This is why it will be important for projects to get on board)
> 3. Between the volunteers, and led by the coordinator, a set of benchmark
> tests should be set up. This will probably include a core set of tests that
> everyone should do relatively easily, and optional tests that each project
> can do to show off their application.
> 4. Lots of hard work setting up environments, and running tests. Hence it is
> important to start early if we want to have a good showing at foss4g.
> 5. Just before foss4g: Pens down, collate results, present.
> Paolo Cavallini wrote:
>> ha scritto:
>>> A feature comparison is a good start and many masters projects have
>>> already done that as well as xcompare them to closed source desktop apps.
>> Hi.
>> I only have seen a few, rather incomplete, comparisons: do you have links
>> for more? Thanks.
>> All the best.
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> Cameron Shorter
> Geospatial Systems Architect
> Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5050
> Mob: +61 (0)419 142 254
> Think Globally, Fix Locally
> Geospatial Solutions enhanced with Open Standards and Open Source
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