I think a more interesting presentation would be why there are so many
desktop GIS packages, the consequent pros/cons, and if/how efforts could be

On Sun, Dec 20, 2009 at 11:21 AM, Stefan Steiniger <sst...@geo.uzh.ch>wrote:

> Hei all,
> thanks for Cameron on keeping me in the loop, and to Markus for remembering
> :)  I am now subscribed to this list.
> I think Pauls idea sounds interesting - because this whole comparison thing
> is
> a) quite cumbersome when we have 10 desktop GIS (+ X), and
> b) neither really worth because desktop GIS are used for a multitude of
> tasks, while web map Servers or databases aren't that much - right?
> So as Paul is quoted on the osgeo wiki: one needs to set up use cases first
> (just wrote that today in a new article too, which contains a section on
> selecting free GIS software). And I also discovered that just most of the
> projects have a different focus during my evaluation. Which of course does
> not mean that such thing should not be presented - but it must be focussed
> in some way or the other to have a benefit. And as a side note, I am not
> sure if measuring processing times makes sense either, as GIS analysis
> feature sets are so different.
> However, I am in for testing with OpenJUMP.
> Two more notes:
> - my comparison tables are now already 2 years old now (from 2007), i.e.
> need some update (but the last pub in Ecological Informatics took into
> account newer developments too, but is superficial and focused towards the
> "average" GIS users).
> - I gave a talk about this at OGRS:
> http://www.ogrs2009.org/doku.php?id=keynotes
> pdf can be downloaded from there.
> cheers from Germany right now (Xmas)
> stefan
> PS: I know also of this comparison by T. Hengl et al. on Grass vs. SAGA for
> Geomorphologic Analysis
> http://www.igc.usp.br/pessoais/guano/downloads/Hengl_etal_2009_gmorph.pdf
> Paul Ramsey schrieb:
>> Interested in a different approach that is lower impact, but still
>> interesting and entertaining? Have developers review a "competing"
>> project and then present their findings, in the form of "What I love
>> about ___, what I hate about____".
>> Jody Garnett presents "What I love about QGIS, what I hate about QGIS."
>> Jorge Sanz presents "What I love about uDig, what I hate about uDig."
>> Tim Sutton presents "What I love about gvSIG, what I hate about gvSIG."
>> Not only do you get an unvarnished view, but you can have shorter
>> presentations with a discussion segment at the end of each one.
>> Works for almost any application category too.
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