W dniu 10.06.2011 08:44, Tyler Mitchell pisze:
On 2011-06-09, at 11:07 PM, Paolo Cavallini wrote:
Anyone else thinking about this or want to weigh-in on what their thoughts were?

If this competes with the activities the professionals and enterprises are 
offering, -1. We want OSGeo to support our work, not to compete with it. This 
have a number of negative consequences, IMHO.

It could actually turn out to encourage or provide work to others currently offering training.  The goal 
could be to develop an OSGeo-specialised curriculum, have certified trainers provide certified training to 
paying customers - in exchange trainers show they are qualified and students can say they are no only 
"QGIS" or "Faunalia" trained.. but "OSGeo trained" - something that no one can 
really do right now anyway :)

Does that help?  Think of the bigger program and not so much on a particular 
course that might be taught currently.

Shouldn't this be done in parallel?
OSGeo activities in the area of GIS "in general" and in the same time OSGeo projects covering software application topics with general issues as background. Project activities as driving forces and OSGeo (training, certification or whatever) more like common consensus forum in the wide area of FOSS4G. In my opinion this consesnus at OSGeo level will be hard to reach, as there is big diversity of goals and approaches even within one project. Not impossible, but it will take time.

Robert Szczepanek
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