
Sorry, I thought of another piece to this conversation that might stimulate the 

Here at the City we're currently pursuing a Public Works Accreditation for use 
of Best Practices. 

My question to the group would be, what would a theoretical response be from 
OSGEO on the question of "What are the Best Practices related to the use of 
Open Source (geo) Software?"  (or some such). 

Administratively, this type of question comes up often, and the vagaries of 
Open Source use don't seem to lend themselves to a concrete answer.   It seems 
like answering such a question with a more comprehensive level of training and 
certification in place would be much easier. 

Am I think about this in the wrong way? 


>>> "Bob Basques" <> wrote:


I'm liking this thread.  Seems like a long time coming to tell the truth. 

I think this training aspect needs to happen no matter what.  I'm still foggy 
on the details to implement, same as everyone else.  It needs to be thought 
about in the context of moving projects as well as the OSGEO org ahead.  I 
don't see this as something that is likely to step on the toes of anyone 
already building out training materials, but more as a unified method for such 
entities to build out their training materials. 

My thoughts in this area focus on the projects themselves.  I think there is 
more than one level of "certification" that needs to be thought about.   

1.)  First (and of my personal interest) is how a individual project relates 
it's capabilities to the masses via training and education, with adequate 
upkeep of same, once something like this is started, it needs to be kept up as 
the project develops as well.  I always thought this should be something that 
was kept close to the Project authors themselves, or at least in a project 
sanctioned realm of some sort, am I describing another development silo 
possibly?  It also seems like it might be best to only task the project 
builders with a framework or basic description requirement of some sort, but 
also directly related to the building out of a much more detailed tutorial or 
educational curriculum for both the trainers as well as the trainees. Tips and 
tricks for operation also seem like they may originate this level on a version 
by version basis. 

2.) This seems like an obvious OSGEO incubation chunk of some sort.  Even if 
the incubation piece is only looking at the training foundational aspects.  
Once a foundational educational piece is in place, it should be much easier to 
build out detailed training materials after the fact.  Could this be related to 
some sort of ongoing incubation process, whereby a project is re-examined over 
time (see note below). 

3.) Some upper level recognition/certification system that can recognize an 
individuals adeptness at using the individual OSGEO products/projects.  This 
could be in partnership with higher level EDUs or even Private entities, and 
can be closely tied to a commercial effort without impacting OSGEO proper, 
which is (should be) in the position of facilitating this type of work, not 
competing with it. 

NOTE: A thought that popped up while writing this -How would previous incubated 
projects be retroactively brought up to some new OSGEO standards as they are 
developed, is there a re-certification process at some point that is already 
built in?, projects are constantly being developed/redeveloped over time.  What 
constitutes re-examination of a projection? 


>>> Daniel Ames <> wrote:

I tend to agree with Cameron on this one. There is already the GISci 
certification process that we don't want to compete with. Plus which particular 
tools from the OSGeo stack would one be required to be proficient in to be 
"OSGeo Certified". I think that if a particular project wanted to create a 
certification program - perhaps with help from OSGeo - that would make more 
sense. One could become "certified in GRASS". But to say you are "OSGeo 
Certified" would be hard to quantify/explain.

On Fri, Jun 10, 2011 at 1:08 AM, Cameron Shorter <> 

On 10/06/2011 4:07 PM, Paolo Cavallini wrote:

Il 09/06/2011 21:38, Tyler Mitchell ha scritto:

Anyone else thinking about this or want to weigh-in on what their thoughts were?
If this competes with the activities the professionals and enterprises are 
offering, -1. We want OSGeo to support our work, not to compete with it. This 
have a number of negative consequences, IMHO.
All the best.

Like Paolo, I'm very nervous about OSGeo taking on a training role for the same 
Providing good training is a difficult business, which is provided by many of 
the OSGeo businesses who back OSGeo. If OSGeo starts to act as a business by 
providing such training, then OSGeo will start competing against its' core 
supporters. This has the potential to fracture the very strong OSGeo community, 
which is a bad thing.

And while in principle, the idea of OSGeo providing a trusted, unbiased 
training certification program, I think a very quick review of the business 
case behind it will make it unfavourable. Either the training program will be 
of low quality and low credibility, or it will attach such high cost to courses 
that the courses will be harder to sell.

Creating certification takes a lot of work, which needs to be resourced. I 
might be wrong, but I can't see volunteers stepping forward to build a 
certification program, at least not in the immediate future. Maybe some 
Governments might step up (as has been done for certifying OGC standards), but 
I expect governments will have better things to spend money on. The other group 
who could write a certification program are training organisations themselves. 
But I don't think these training organisations are likely to make much extra 
money with a certification in place. And I don't think trainees are likely 
prepared to pay an extra 30% for their course in order to see a "certification" 
stamp. (And that 30% is just to pay for certification development, before OSGeo 
makes a profit).

I'd like to be proven wrong, but I don't think we are ready for OSGeo 
certification, and I think it is bad business for OSGeo to compete with OSGeo 
companies by providing training directly.

Cameron Shorter
Geospatial Solutions Manager
Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5050
Mob: +61 (0)419 142 254

Think Globally, Fix Locally
Geospatial Solutions enhanced with Open Standards and Open Source 

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Daniel P. Ames, Ph.D. PE
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Idaho State University - Idaho Falls

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