On 14-05-16 9:16 AM, Jorge Sanz wrote:

Opina would allow secret voting (with personalized links for every
member from an invitation mail automatically sent by the system). The
only problem is our way of voting with "I have 5 votes that can use all
with the same candidate", but that can be skipped easily.

Oh, very good point about the 5 votes. I don't know if other systems such as SympliVoting would support that either. That will have to be investigated I guess, or the process changed.

If Opina does the trick and allows secure voting then I'm all for it.

Yes, that was my impression also. SurveyMonkey is 25$/month or so and a
well known solution, very similar to Opina.

What I saw of SurveyMonkey required some post-processing and did expose the individual votes, so unless there are some new features I'm not aware of I would prefer to pay a few more dollars for a system that is geared for secure voting.

Once again, if Opina does it then great.

Daniel Morissette
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