Why is there this sudden need to point out things like this? This is the part that makes my heart drop. (and the underlying meaning of the subject of this email) Instead of pointing out issues, maybe those making these noises can spend that time on the marketing committee, or tackling on the membership issue.

I personally have no problem with LocationTech, in fact I agree they play a very important role for businesses. I do have a problem however with pointing out problems with OSGeo and our baby, FOSS4G; instead of pointing out problems, I feel those same people could be diving into helping OSGeo grow and pick up the ball themselves.


On 2014-09-15 2:56 PM, Bart van den Eijnden wrote:
Why is this not true? I think you are misinterpreting here Jeff.

Membership in OSGeo is a single person. Yes this person can belong to a company 
or run their own company, but membership is still personal.


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On 15 sep. 2014, at 19:45, Jeff McKenna <jmcke...@gatewaygeomatics.com> wrote:

On 2014-09-15 1:22 PM, Daniel Morissette wrote:
the members in OSGeo are individuals and the members in
Eclipse/LocationTech are businesses

Daniel this statement is not true, regarding OSGeo.  OSGeo members are made up 
of all walks of life, and many are running private businesses all around the 
world.  I have visited their organizations/offices myself in my FOSS4G travels 
throughout the years.

However I cannot change how you feel.

This part is unfortunate, these strong statements made publicly, which I feel 
are made to divide our community.

Let me reinforce: our OSGeo community and our FOSS4G events (of all sizes) are 
geared for everyone and anyone, with no sole focus on one type of community.  
And as the President of OSGeo, I am happy to represent all of the members, of 
any kind :)


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