I've spent much of the day thinking that I will just let this thread pass
me by as I don't have the physical or emotional energy to jump into this.
But I'm going to fire off an email because I'm getting angry!

I would like everyone to stop denigrating our new board before they have
done anything, or even had a chance to meet. I have to object to the
assumption that a board member will only act in the interests of their
region or that we the charter members make our choices on race, gender or
regional preferences. I think this runs our organisation down. There is no
reason that any region will not get a fair hearing from the board no matter
how it is geographically distributed.

Now I would like to make it clear that I voted based on my knowledge of
people (and personalities) and the **work** they do on open source projects
or groups that I use. So if you would like my vote to go to your region
please start building software or communities that are seen to be useful.

I would really like this to be the year that we see a lot more building and
a lot less whinging on this (and other) lists.

(one of the Charter members who no one voted for)

PS - can people please observe some basic netiquette when replying to
emails, trim the to list and delete the old parts of the message.

Ian Turton
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