Quoting Ralph Edington <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Thanks for the suggestions:
> -- I will try MAC filtering instead of WEP if the problem persists.  I only
> have two wireless devices right now, so it's no big deal.
> -- That's good to know about the double-reboot.  Makes me feel a little
> better.
> -- As far as interoperability, I don't care who's certified or not, but if
> Squeezebox can't interoperate (i.e. WORK!) with a Linksys WRT54G, which is
> arguably one of the more popular access points/routers, then that's a much
> bigger problem -- for Slim Devices -- than my little complaint.
> I'll keep plugging.  If anyone has any more info, I'd sure appreciate it.

I ran my squeezeboxen off a WRT54G using wifi-box firmware just fine for months.
 I've since conected an older Dlink 802.11B ap so that the ibook can use full G
bandwidth.  That's working fine too.  the only exception is that if I've
unplugged teh sb for a few days then it can take a bit longer than the initial
20 second timeout to find the wireless network.  I've always used 128-bit WEP,
and currently MAC filtering. If I had anything specific to offer for debugging
help, I would, but maybe this will give you hope that it CAN work.

I did have some trouble with channel conflicts with neighbours at one point.
channging channels licked that one quickly.

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