On Sun, 13 Mar 2005 08:53:35 -0000, Patrick Dixon
> "it's worked very well for Linux."
> Really?  As someone struggling to get FC3 configured, googling for
> information produces many more people with Linux problems than there are
> solutions out there.

Linux runs beautifully for me, though it isn't completely without issues.
OTOH I have been using Linux for quite some time, so it's way of doing
things has become native to me, making it easier for me to use than
Windows or Mac OS X (I am an Apple fan, btw - but Apple made newer
versions of OS X difficult to use on my hardware, so I haven't used a
recent version of OS X in some time)

> BTW anyone care to help with my problem getting Slimserver 5.4.0 to start up
> correctly?

In fc3 for me it was as simple as installing the rpm.
I did notice that in the rpm spec file they did something I really
dislike - they turned off the autoreqprov (common with perl) without
then specifying what specifically IS required. It may be a dependency
issue that you are having.

To fulfill dependencies, I personally only use stuff packaged by rpm -
and I'm picky about my repositories - I only use fedora,
fedora-extras, rpm.livna.org, and (for java) jpackage.org.

If something I want isn't in one of those repositories - then I build
my own rpm, with few exceptions (realplayer, slimserver are only two I
can think of).

One thing I am planning on doing when my SB2 arrives is taking the
slimserver 6 src.rpm and cleaning up the spec file so that it meats
the Fedora Extras packaging guidelines (and specifying the
dependencies), and then submit it to rpm.livna.org - so that for
Fedora users, installing it will be painless. Unfortunately it will
have to go into rpm.livna.org because the mp3 dependency (and faad2
dependency) can only be filled by packages with patent distribution
issues, hence rpm.livna.org

I wish I knew what was giving you issues with slimserver.
Some thought - disable SELinux
Get the src.rpm - comment out the disabling of autoreqprov - build the
rpm, and do a test install to see what (if any) dependencies rpm
complains about.

Oh - as an FYI - the place where I see the most useful help for Fedora is


in the Fedora forum.

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