Michael Peters wrote:
On Mon, 14 Mar 2005 18:33:08 +0100, Christian Pernegger

Don't get me wrong, I like .ogg - I just see no point in implementing a
portable format directly on the squeezebox.

I do.
If it used could use ogg for streaming lossy format, there is a better
chance that it would be accepted in Linux distros on the installation
CD with hackers from the distribution adding cool features (like a
gstreamer client etc.)

that's very nice, but you still haven't explained why Slim Devices, Incorporated should be implementing it in their hardware and firmware.

More format support is cool and kind of handy, and I certainly appreciate why Ogg is "better." Unfortunately, it's the same sort of "better" that Beta enjoyed over VHS, and consequently in actual fact the only ogg's I have are the few I ripped while experimenting. I'm glad that my iRiver and Slimserver still play them at all, and I don't really care if they're more or less efficient in doing so.
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