Well for single albums, mine seem to vary between pretty small
and very large:

   164M    /media2/Flac/Enya/Watermark
   689M    /media2/Flac/Fish/Mixed Company

(This CD is so long that I can't rip the last track, and I've
tried 4 different DVD drives on Linux and Windows... It's also
a live recorded CD, so is probably not as "clean" as a studio
CD, I guess this could affect the compression ratio.)

Overall the largest "album" is:

   1.5G    /media2/Flac/Yes/Keys to Ascension

(which is a 4-disc set - I rip and tag multi-disc albums
as if they were one long album).

About 380 of 509 albums are less than 400MB, and on a first
analysis they seem to be fairly evenly distributed through
the range.

On Sun, 2005-04-10 at 09:01 -0700, radish wrote:
> > I keep meaning to compile some statistics on the average size of my
> > compressed albums, but a quick scan shows they tend to be between
> > 200-400MB
> Wow. Mine average 500, I must have some kind of broken FLAC codec ;) 
> More seriously, I think it must have to do with the type of music. I
> always see people saying that you get decent compression with FLAC, and
> that albums come in at 300MB or so, but the majority of mine seem to be
> 500 or higher. I have a number around 600 - seems like very little
> compression going on there. It's my personal theory (backed up by very
> little evidence) that it depends on the level of dynamics within the
> music.
"The biggest problem encountered while trying to design a system that 
was completely foolproof, was, that people tended to underestimate the 
ingenuity of complete fools." (Douglas Adams)

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