> The Rhapsody software itself can stream via upnp to a upnp enabled
> device that supports protected wma. No need for slimserver.
> The Windows Media Connect server software would stream the other
> subscription services to the Squeezebox. No need for Slimserver.

That's the only technical reason against implementing it. I don't
really want to leave a Windows machine running just for the streaming
service. I don't know if there's any chance for the sb2 to do this
stand alone, and how practical it would be as a user interface. Also
I'd like to have better integration between slimserver and whatever
else there is - not just an either / or switch.

A nice solution would be to make the catalog data available from
within slimserver, but still decode the .wmas on the sb2. That in turn
would require one or more of these services to open the "protocol"
their client uses for communicating.

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