PULEAZE, Look at the list of Rhapsody supprted wireless devices.
Everybody that likes that service is now unable to use the $300 dollar
device you sold us. You should also take a look at your marketing
dept's literature. It specifically states that Realslim is alive and
able to stream realnetworks/Rhapsody. 
By the way, I've sent two emails asking about rhapsody support to your
tech support and I have yet to have the courtesy of a reply. You need
to get your development act together or there are going to a whole lot
of slim devices on EBAY while your competition eats your lunch.

seanadams Wrote: 
> > Slim's focus is on free formats; anything DRM'ed is not likely to  
> > be supported unless it's by an external developer as a plugin.
> This isn't really our position or our goal (see roadmap: http:// 
> wiki.slimdevices.com/index.cgi?SoftwareRoadmap ) . We are working to  
> support the formats that are feasible and interesting to support, and 
> that includes DRM formats. Unfortunately, right now the most  
> interesting ones are not available to license to anyone. If you're  
> using one of those formats you should really take up the issue with  
> them - it's not a matter of whether Slim is willing/able.

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