> I realize I'm becoming boring, but you guys at Slim Devices ought to
> read the reviews you post on your website. The one from Maximum PC that
> you flaunt has as it's last word, "Rhapsody". Do you think you would
> have gotten that good a review if you didn't have that capability?
> Soooo, my question is how do I get my money back for a product that
> does not perform as advertised. Please post on the forum so others who
> share the same feeling can partake.
> -- 
> NHGuy

The issue seems to be that you're inaccurate with your information.   The
SB2 has never been advertised as having these features.  The Squeezebox 1,
however, does have an unsupported 3rd-party plugin that provides this
functionality.  The promotional material you linked to refers to the
Squeezebox 1.

Don't forget that Slimdevices offers a 30-day money-back guarantee.  If the
device doesn't meet your needs then return it.

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