Quoting dip <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> vidurapparao Wrote:
> > The "All Albums" item is as designed. You will generally see a 'All xxx"
> >
> > at every level of the hierarchy, where xxx represents the next level
> > down - albums when you're viewing artists, songs when you're viewing
> > albums. An "All Artists" link while browsing artists would just get you
> >
> > to the same page, no?
> >
> > --Vidur
> I think that's not true. When I browse artists I should get an "All
> artists" line first followed by the artists seperately listed. I can
> than either play or add specific artists to the now playing playlist or
> all artists by using the first line. The same is true for albums, genre
> and so on.

adding all artists, or all albums at this level has the exact same effect.

the group that argues over the naming and behaviour of this meets on wednesdays

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