To run SC on Windows - you can use the free version from ActiveState

However there may be some issues if your try to run SC as a service.

You only need the development kit (cost some $$$) if you want to create
a distrbutable .exe.

It may be easier to wait for a day for a fix and use a nightly build.

> The fix you showed in your last post, would it resolve the problems for
> any number of items in the returned playlist (only disregarding
> duplicates in terms of player format)?
the problem is not multiple items in a playlist - SC handles that OK
now. The problem occurs when the first URL in a list of URLs is not a
http or mms url. 

If you report the bug with my suggested fix - I think an official fix
will be included quickly and you can use the nightly build (including
windows .exe) probably in a few days.  They may not use my fix but by
isolating the bug makes it easier to apply a fix. 

Linux version are runs from the source code files so on a QNAP my fix
would work.

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