Thanks for the information about UPS. Lots to learn here, albeit a bit
late. I've concluded that when there is a direct strike there's not
much one can do to protect equipment. Perhaps the Brickwall products
will prevent damage in such a situation. I'm now unsure whether the
cheap UPS that I bought was unable to protect Squeezebox and the other
components, or whether the lightning fried them directly without going
through the power line. The test the UPS manufacture asked me to do was
to see if the USB would provide power to a load when disconnected from
the wall supply. It did. Presumably this shows that the battery and
inverter are working, but is it a fair test? It seems from the posts in
this thread that a UPS may have been damaged while trying to prevent a
surge, yet still pass this test.

I tested the power supply with a voltmeter, and I also swapped it with
a 'high quality' supply I made last year. The walwart delivered volts;
the Squeezebox continued to show no signs of life with the alternative
supply. I should add that I also checked to see if Squeezecenter could
detect the player, and it couldn't.

I will remove the wireless card and see what difference that makes, if
any. Can someone tell me what size Torx screwdriver I'll need? And does
anyone want to buy a flawless Slimserver Squeezebox Classic case? :(

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