Philip Meyer;338010 Wrote: 
> >I've just reinstalled SC and rescanned. The whole scan takes nearly 4
> >hours, half of this time due to SC performing a MusicIP scan.
> >
> I changed the SqueezeCenter MusicIP plugin to work differently - I've
> added an option so that it won't read tag data from MusicIP (i.e. it
> uses SC's scanner to read music files, and only uses MIP for making
> mixes).  This allowed me to speed up the scanning process, as it only
> requests the mixable status for songs that are not mixable when a
> rescan is performed.

Hi Phil!

I thought this all sounded fantastic, have had big problems with the
long scanning times for newly added music. So downloaded your plugin,
deleted the old MusicMagic folder and extracted your files into what
then became the new MusicMagic folder. I see the new line about Read
Song Data for the plugin in the SC web interface, and kept it unchecked
as you advised. Scanning for new content then went much faster than
before, but the problem is I don't see any menu item for making MusicIp
mixes on any of the new tracks. So wonder what could have gone wrong.

Directory Scan   (  of  )   Complete  00:01:18
MusicIP Import   (722  of  722)   Complete  00:00:04
Playlist Scan   (17  of  17)   Complete  00:01:20
iTunes Import   (6  of  6)   Complete  00:00:00
iTunes Playlist Import   (13  of  13)   Complete  00:00:00
Merge Various Artists   (4056  of  4056)   Complete  00:01:06
Database Cleanup #1   (56338  of  56338)   Complete  00:00:47
Database Cleanup #2   (  of  )   Complete  00:00:59
Database Optimize   (  of  )   Complete  00:01:41
SqueezeCenter has finished scanning your music collection. Total Time:


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