Ok, it seems my TV analogy caused a bit of stir, I appologize for that,
but I'm sure you can all see my point of view. By the way, I certainly
do appreciate the help from this forum. It always impresses me how so
many people are so helpful to others problems. Don't let my frustration
seem like I am ungrateful, but I just feel the way anyone would feel
after spending €300 on a great device, but one that really doesn't work
properly for me.

Anyway, I'm happy to send one of the mp3's to anyone who wishes to look
at them, although keep in mind, the previous versions of the software
did not have the missing song title problem.

I did think that the problem may be the speed of my computer, it is not
terribly fast, however, in normal playback I never actually have
problems listening to music itself, the audio streams perfectly even in
this latest version.

I have no idea how slimserver works and how it treats differently the
audio playback from information. 

Anyway, I'm thinking of going back to the previous version. I tried to
fastforward (through a song) again today, and the same problem I had
before occured, in that the song just begun jittering, and continued
even if skip to the nex song or switch off the squeesebox2 and back on
again. I had to reboot my PC to resume playback. So there is no
advantage to this new slimserver version.

Again, thanks to everyone who has helped!

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