You can get pretty close to your flag idea if you take advantage of the
"zapped songs" functionality.  When playing a song in "Now Playing", if you
press and hold the "add" button the song will be removed from "Now Playing"
and added to your "Zapped Songs" playlist.  Once you've added all the tracks
you want to add to "Zapped Songs" then just load up the "Zapped Songs"
playlist and save it as a new playlist under any name.

The only drawback is that the next time you want to do this you'll need to
go to your computer and manually clear the "Zapped Songs" playlist.  Or I'm
sure a plugin could be developed to accomplish that.

> I just realized that I can't even do what I'm proposing from the
> computer. When creating a playlist, as soon as I attemp to play a song
> (because I need to preview it), the list is deleted. Unfortuneatly I
> suspect there are fundamental technical issues with the creation of an
> additional "que" where one could store song selections (that are
> previewed in the  playlist)
> You want a suggestion? Here's a simple halfway measure that I would
> find VERY usefull.
> How do you create playlists?
> You have to have already decided  what you want to put in the list
> BEFORE it's created and how do you do that?
> Do you keep a pen and paper at your listening seat and note each song
> that you like while it's playing in order to create the list later? Do
> you memorize the stuff you want to "playlist"?
> These techniques are neither very "efficient" nor particularly
> "intuitive".
> As a halfway measure one thing I would find VERY usefull (and easy to
> implement) would  a "flag" button (on the remote)so that one could keep
> track of tunes that one wants to put in a playlist at a later time
> (other than when SB2 is actually playing).
> At the computer interface this "flag" could show up as a check mark
> beside the song track. One could  then visually search for the flagged
> songs or better yet, use a search feature to locate the "flagged" tunes
> . It would then be easy(er) to mix and match songs in playlists.
> *In terms of needing a new  button on the remote I believe that would
> also be an easy problem to solve:
> Just use the current "add" button and give it 2 user defined funtions
> "flag" or "add" (which could be toggled  in the server settings menu).
> PS
> I have done something my own version of a "flag" technique for years.
> On the back of the CD box I would simply "check" or circle (with
> permanent marker) the songs that I liked. That would facilitate the
> quick creation of a "selected tracks" playback list on my CDP whenever
> I cued up that CD.
> -- 
> gdg

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