gdg wrote:

Why don't you lighten up.
I wasn't originaly trying to get a feature change. I was fishing for
other people's way of working around this issue. I still havn't found
one. But I havn't explored what a "skin" is yet and maybe that's where
the answer lies. I got that info here and that my friend is the purpose
of the forum. As to whether this is a "flaw" or "lack of functionslity"
or whatever you want to call it... who cares? I'm trying to find a way of fulfilling a basic requirement that I have
as a user. Is that OK with you?

GDG, this is an open source community. The people who are reading your message are the people who donate their free time to work on this software as a hobby. If you insult them like that, they're just as likely to say, "screw it, I've got better things to do with my time" as they are to actually implement the (perfectly legitimate, and quite useful sounding) enhancement request you have.

It's frustrating to see people treat the slimserver hackers poorly; doubly so when the people doing it have really good feature requests that I'd like to see implemented, and I fear that the good idea will get tarred with the bad attitude.

- Marc
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