> - (same question as above) get player state

SqueezeJS.Controller.playerStatus - it's an object (or hash) with the following 

playerStatus = {
        // if power is undefined, set it to on for http clients
        power:     (response.power == null) || response.power,
        mode:      response.mode,
        rate:      response.rate,
        current_title: response.current_title,
        title:     response.playlist_tracks > 0 ? 
response.playlist_loop[0].title : '',
        track:     response.playlist_tracks > 0 ? response.playlist_loop[0].url 
: '',
        index:     response.playlist_cur_index,
        duration:  parseInt(response.duration) || 0,
        canSeek:   response.can_seek ? true : false,
        playtime:  parseInt(response.time),
        timestamp: response.playlist_timestamp

It doesn't deliver the full list of track information. This is queried every 5 
seconds, then passed to the UI elements.

> - get track duration

Doesn't exist (yet). The following would do:

SqueezeJS.UI.PlaytimeDuration = Ext.extend(SqueezeJS.UI.Playtime, {
        onPlaytimeUpdate : function(playtime){
                if (this.el && playtime)

Will add it if it is what you were thinking of.

> - get track title without track number

This currently doesn't exist. Needs a change in the parser.

> - get track number

SqueezeJS.UI.TrackNo = Ext.extend(SqueezeJS.UI.Component, {
        onPlayerStateChange : function(result){
                this.el.update(result.playlist_loop[0].tracknum ? 
result.playlist_loop[0].tracknum + '. ' : '');

> - get album name without year

SqueezeJS.UI.AlbumTitle = Ext.extend(SqueezeJS.UI.Component, {
        onPlayerStateChange : function(result){

> - get album year

SqueezeJS.UI.AlbumYear = Ext.extend(SqueezeJS.UI.Component, {
        onPlayerStateChange : function(result){

> - display a progress bar

new SqueezeJS.UI.PlaytimeProgress('yourHTMLElement');

> - use different images for buttons and/or progress bar

That's beyond the scope of this mail... take a look at slimserver.css. Styles 
starting with x-... are overwriting ExtJS defaults. Eg. x-btn etc.

> - get the same information for individual tracks within current
> playlist

Don't have an answer for this right now. All the defined components listen to 
the status query, which is about the currently playing track only. You'd 
probably have to overwrite the base class SqueezeJS.UI.Component, which adds 
the listener. Not an easy change I guess.

> - display playlist controls

Like fwd/rwd? They're covered in the tutorial. What else?

I'll add the above components to 7.3. Until then you might want to add them to 
your template.


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