
On Tuesday 02 August 2005 03:05, Matt Alioto wrote:
> Sorry Alex, I didn't see your post cause of the prepended subject line.
> The serious flaws part was cut off.

sorry - thought that I would try and make it more accurate and relevant to the 
discussion... ;-)

> The reason I suggested to select a playlist was I never plan on making
> the playlist ahead of time.  I've got over 40,000 songs in almost every
> part of the spectrum and I forget what's in there sometimes.  I just put
> random tracks on sometimes not knowing what's going to come out.  I hear
> a song and want to add it to a particular list.

> I do agree that a selection option would get annoying if I were adding
> to the same list or building a particular list for a party or something
> to that extent.

Well if this was the case then in an ideal world I would have something like 
(always assuming that the button definitions aren't already defined):-

press and hold 1..9: add current playing tune to the selected playlist in 
slots 1..9.
press and hold 0: prompt for a playlist to save current playing tune to.

Then you could set up your most common 9 playlists and rapidly classify things 
as you went along, or just drop it into your obscure playlist as and when the 
obscure track came up.

I think that these key combinations are currently handled by the Quick Access 
plugin, but there may be another combination that was appropriate (is it 
possible to detect combinations of key presses?) or run it relatively easily 
from the web interface.



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