I'm sorry if I'm mistaken... but isn't there already a Favorites plugin
available for streams? I use it all the time ( for shoutcast at
least...). Would something similiar (applied universally) help to solve
this problem?

What if this functionality was accessible from =any= track "now
playing", using the current "Favorites" plugin interface convention
(right arrow to toggle add/remove)?. No extra buttons would be needed
on the remote, the extra functionality would be contextually tied to
the song currently playing via the directional arrows. Once you've got
all your Favorites picked, a playlist is created which you could rename
(via remote, if possible???) and save.

However, my =favorite= idea mentioned so far involves implementing some
form of ratings system... This would be great! 

The ratings info could be written to a tracks ID metadata... in fact I
think "RATING" is already an unofficial tag. Perhaps "Ratings" could
even replace "zapped" and "favorites" all together... songs you
=really= don't like are rated "*", your favorites "****", etc. All of
these ratings create their own playlists, each containing the songs of
that particular rating.... an instance of any of these lists could be
"Saved as" a renamed playlist (similiar to the current Zapped list
behaves )Now.... what would be super cool would be if "actions" could
then be performed on these playlists... for instance "Never play songs
rated "*" or Only play songs rated "****"


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