tyeguy wrote:
> peter;353295 Wrote: 
>> tyeguy wrote:
>>> Hello All
>>> I've owned my Squeezebox system for almost 2 months now and have met
>>> with many frustrations.  I'm hoping that others might assist in
>> telling
>>> me what I'm doing wrong.
>>> I have 1 Squeezebox Controller, and 2 Receivers - one receiver is
>> for
>>> music upstairs, and one is for downstairs.  I play music through the
>>> SqueezeNetwork coming from the Internet.
>>> My two areas of frustration are connection and syncing of the two
>>> receivers.
>>> On the connection issue - I will be listening to music, when for no
>>> apparent reason, it stops.  When I look at the controller screen, it
>>> will usually say "Stopped".  I've gone through the settings and I
>> can't
>>> see anything that cause this.  Last night I went out and left music
>>> playing as company for my dog.  When I arrived home, I was met with
>>> silence.  Why the heck is it stopping??
>>> My second frustration is the syncing of the two receivers.  The
>>> settings show that they are suppose to be synced, however, it takes
>>> many attempts to get them going in concert.  What I usually have to
>> do
>>> is connect to downstairs, try a internet station, then connect to
>>> upstairs, try an internet station, and then hit play several times
>>> before it finally matches up.  I shouldn't need to go through this
>>> ritual every day.
>>> As I said above, I'm hoping that others might be able to assist. 
>> Right
>>> now I'm very disappointed with the product, but I'm keeping my
>> fingers
>>> crossed that through some fine tuning, it can meet up to my
>>> expectations.
>> You don't mention how your receivers are connected. I'll assume 
>> wirelessly. That's the main suspect. Connect them
>> with an ethernet cable and see if the problems disappear.
>> Regards,
>> Peter
> Hi Peter
> Yes - wirelessly.
> Trying the connection through ethernet cable isn't a practical
> diagnostic or solution for me given the location of all the associated
> equipment.

W.R.T. wireless.  Many things contrive to interfere with wireless 
reception. I found that positioning my wireless router near the centre 
of my home improved my situation immensely. Recently, many people here 
have had problems with certain brands of micro wave ovens (Panasonic, if 
I remember correctly).  I believe centring your wireless in your home 
also enhances security as propagation to your neighbours will be more 
attenuated as it travels through your house.  Remember, placing your 
wireless in your basement means it has to pass through 2 floors to make 
it the the 2nd floor.  And passing through a wall diagonally is more 
like passing through several walls at right angles.

The above are just some reasons that many here will ask if you could 
possibly switch to a cable - if just for testing.

Some other things to think about:
- Did you turn on some type of wireless encryption to keep out unwanted 
guests soaking up your bandwidth?  Many people using Windows machines 
don't even realize when they are attached to the neighbours network 
rather then their own.
- Are you trying to pass a "high volume" format like FLAC which requires 
more bandwidth then something like MP3?
- Is anyone near you running on the same wireless channel as you are?
- Do you experience drop-outs when using certain appliances? A light 
dimmer in our house can knock out the internet when set to the half way 

Keep this in mind - it might help - digital communication doesn't fade 
out like Amplitude Modulated radio. It's either going to work or not. 
Something like Frequency Modulated radio.  If you have a strong signal 
you will stay above that "not-working" threshold.  If you have a weak 
signal you will dip below that "not-working" threshold ... sometimes 
just by walking between your router and your SB.

...I'm sure there are more things to check, anyone care to add some?

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