tyeguy wrote:
> peter;353295 Wrote: 
>> tyeguy wrote:
>>> Hello All
>>> I've owned my Squeezebox system for almost 2 months now and have met
>>> with many frustrations.  I'm hoping that others might assist in
>> telling
>>> me what I'm doing wrong.
>>> I have 1 Squeezebox Controller, and 2 Receivers - one receiver is
>> for
>>> music upstairs, and one is for downstairs.  I play music through the
>>> SqueezeNetwork coming from the Internet.
>>> My two areas of frustration are connection and syncing of the two
>>> receivers.
>>> On the connection issue - I will be listening to music, when for no
>>> apparent reason, it stops.  When I look at the controller screen, it
>>> will usually say "Stopped".  I've gone through the settings and I
>> can't
>>> see anything that cause this.  Last night I went out and left music
>>> playing as company for my dog.  When I arrived home, I was met with
>>> silence.  Why the heck is it stopping??
>>> My second frustration is the syncing of the two receivers.  The
>>> settings show that they are suppose to be synced, however, it takes
>>> many attempts to get them going in concert.  What I usually have to
>> do
>>> is connect to downstairs, try a internet station, then connect to
>>> upstairs, try an internet station, and then hit play several times
>>> before it finally matches up.  I shouldn't need to go through this
>>> ritual every day.
>>> As I said above, I'm hoping that others might be able to assist. 
>> Right
>>> now I'm very disappointed with the product, but I'm keeping my
>> fingers
>>> crossed that through some fine tuning, it can meet up to my
>>> expectations.
>> You don't mention how your receivers are connected. I'll assume 
>> wirelessly. That's the main suspect. Connect them
>> with an ethernet cable and see if the problems disappear.
>> Regards,
>> Peter
> Hi Peter
> Yes - wirelessly.
> Trying the connection through ethernet cable isn't a practical
> diagnostic or solution for me given the location of all the associated
> equipment.

If you want to troubleshoot a possible wireless problem it's necessary.


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