86atc250r;357725 Wrote: 
> I love this argument - If Bush was as corrupt as many of you seem to
> believe, we *WOULD* have found WMD's, doesn't take a genius to think
> that one through.  Comparing his administration to Nazi Germany is as
> ignorant as it is insulting for all of us on this side of the pond -
> regardless of your politics.

So your argument is that as they did not fake the WMD's they are not
corrupt at all? Even Bush is not stupid enough to have thought faking
nukes would have been a good idea, there is no way they would have got
away with it if you know anything about nuclear and chemical weapons
production. Apart from the fact that there are other countries
involved, the UN weapons inspectors would have demanded samples and
they would known straight away the origin. No, when the so called
intelligence became obviously flawed (intelligence from government
agencies, so they must take some responsibilities) they rolled out a
few more increasingly weak lies - it was because of 9/11 (which it had
absolutely nothing to do Iraq). Then when people started questioning
that nonsense then then moved on and said it was to stop his human
rights abuses - which is odd, when you consider that many other
countries (most middle east countries in fact) have far worse human
rights yet the US (and know one else, im not singling out the US here)
could be bothered, in fact often did business with them. And the
predicted collateral damage was also moe than and people murdered by
Saddam anyway (let alone the actual collateral damage, thats much

So basically we all know that Iraq was an illegal war, which was based
on lies and was a cover for Bush and his administrations friends and
families to profit from.

Whats insulting, is that many American, British and other nations have
lost good men and women simply so a group of the elite could get richer
from the oil and the reconstruction/military contracts. Also, is not
using the memory of all the poor innocent people who did on 9/11, when
their deaths had nothing to do with this, not insulting to their

To be fair, I dont think the Bush etc actually thought that it would
have got this bad, and they have done some things to put it right, but
they still need to be held account for. My government too, im not
attacking America im talking about the Bush and UK administrations.

86atc250r;357725 Wrote: 
>  It's unfortunate that almost no one else had the "nuts" to go over
> there with us and remove this dangerous person from a position of
> power.   

Even if the war was based on actual true facts, most countries had the
good sense to see that it was pointless and would end in a mess.


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