Hi Pippin,

I found your outsider's perspectives interesting - thanks for sharing

Much of the 90s coincided with the upstroke of the business cycle.
Especially the second half, which also included the dot com bubble.
Little or none of this is affected by politics or governmental
policies, either on the way up or on the way down. 

A fair amount of public infrastructure-type things apparent to a
visitor are funded by state and local authorities rather than the
federal government. In the US, unlike in much of Europe, the majority
of local governmental revenue is raised locally, not as an
apportionment of federal funds, and it tends to have pieces that are
difficult to change - real property tax, sales tax, etc. In boom times,
receipts (and so expenditures) swell. When growth slows (as we've had
since the turn of the century), the opposite happens, which is why
state and local budgets have been under such pressure in recent years.
Most are not able to run deficits, as the federal government can. It's
also clear that a lot of federal money has been wasted over the last 6

I agree with you, US infrastructure sucks compared to that in most
European countries. On the other hand, our tax burden is rather lower.
People are generally unenthusiastic about tax increases, so you get
what you pay for.

As far as moods go, a lot of that is dependent upon whom you speak to.
Most of my friends and associates are middle class, still employed, and
not too radically impacted by recent travails in our economy. There will
be more problems, job reductions, etc., so things will probably get
worse before they get better, but overall, I do not sense a heavy mood
among people I know.  Of course, none of them have lost a house or have
been significantly bitten by recent problems, other than the downturn in
the stock market. People who have suffered big losses, different story.

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