pippin;358330 Wrote: 
> No, I'm not.
> He's an elected president. Several times re-elected. The vote has even
> been fair.

thats just laughable.

do you consider the russian elections "fair" as well?

do you consider it a fair election when there is no free press?

pippin;358330 Wrote: 
> I don't like him either, but he DOES have the support of his people.
> He did even get more votes than his opponent, a thing not every US
> president could claim.

where's the rolling eyes avatar?  how about i just say "yawn."

pippin;358330 Wrote: 
> What is your standard for a democracy? That it's being run by the
> Republican party?
> This is EXACTLY the kind of imperialist attitude the US is being hated
> for in big parts of the world.


sorry, in america we know a sham when we see it.  chavez is a sham, a
complete and total sham.

pippin;358330 Wrote: 
> That's a question of perspective. As I said, they are not allowed to go
> into combat as of the German constitution which allows for German
> troops to only go into combat under one of two conditions: Sanctioned
> by UN or when NATO goes to war. Both is not the case here.

exactly, why hasn't NATO sanctioned it?  the USA wants you to, but you
hide behind technicalities.  what an ally.

pippin;358330 Wrote: 
> evidence of the WMD still existing in 2003. The US claimed to have it,
> it was a lie.

this is nonsense.

first, there is a difference between a mistake and a lie.  i agree that
we were wrong about a great deal we thought we knew.  that is a mistake.
there is no proof that anyone lied.

but the fact remains, that the UN inventoried literally TONS of
anthrax, VX, sarin, and mustard gas in the 7 years after the armistice.
that stuff, that we, and the UN know he had b/c we inventoried it, is
STILL unaccounted for.

pippin;358330 Wrote: 
> When it's against what the rest of the world wants: yes.

please, gimmie a break.  the rest of the world has no responsiblity,
and carrys no water.  we can't even depend on NATO to help us in

if the rest of the world din't want us in korea, should wenot have done
that either?  should we have just let the south koreans to the
communists?  to live as their starving brethren to the north live?

pippin;358330 Wrote: 
> They can't. Read my last post. It's in the constitution. Without that we
> would not have gotten the unification. I admit the US were not the
> hardliners about this, that was France and the UK, but that's still how
> it is.

and as i said, NATO should be there, 100%.

pippin;358330 Wrote: 
> Having a plan before going to war would help a good deal, first of all.

thats not a strategy, or a solution, thats a complaint about execution,
which i agree, has plenty to be criticized.

pippin;358330 Wrote: 
> Iran is not trying to build a nuke, they are trying to play games with
> you. And you don't get it.

hahaha, ok, and you know this how?

and if they get a nuke, what will you say then?  whats your plan?

pippin;358330 Wrote: 
> What did you have to negotiate in Iraq? How about just leaving them
> alone? They did attack no one (in 2003).

there was nothing to negotiate.  all saddam had to do was comply, and
demonstrate he had destroyed the WMDs, it was on him to do so, it was
in the armistice.  he didn't, he died as a result.

pippin;358330 Wrote: 
> What's your solution: Stay there for another 150 years and get US
> soldiers killed by all sides? Have fun!
> Pull out and get a civil war?
> Cool plan you had. Cool democracy you got!

exactly, you have no plan, no strategy.  all you have are complaints. 
i ask you for solutions, you provide none.

we are prepared to do whats necessary, as we always have been, which
germany, almost more than any other country, has benefitted from.  we
could have left you to the russians, or did you forget?

pippin;358330 Wrote: 
> Where it belongs: at home. Please don't forget who started THAT war!

the russians, and you let georgia be totally destroyed by them, and you
do virtually nothing, in any way, as a response.

pippin;358330 Wrote: 
> What's up with ukraine? No war there.

not yet, but russia is threatening.  tell me, what will germany do
then?  nato?  the eu?

pippin;358330 Wrote: 
> Yep. But you will not cure brain cancer by amputating legs.

its fair to question the strategy.  but i would argue that establishing
a democracy in th middle east is worth it.


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