Autopilot Wrote: 
> i also agree with the War in Afghanistan, as there is clear links to
> terrorism and 9/11.
> > MrSinatra Wrote: 
> > 
> > then where is nato? where is the combat forces of ANY other nation?
> > 
> > we don't need cooks. we need combat forces. > > 

Wow, that's low. There are other nations troops -fighting- there,
including a great deal of British who are in constant combat. There has
been a lot of deaths, including a few from my home town. We are a very
small nation so we have less troops there than the US, but fighting and
fighting hard, they are not cook's - that's incredibly insulting to
there memories and patronising.

And no, you are clearly calling me racist. You are saying my POV is
racist, so that makes me a racist by it's very definition. What i said
does not deserve such a flaming and abuse, there can't be many more
insulting things than that. Not only that, but you quote me as saying
things i did not say. 

I think most people will realise i did not say Most Arabs (Iraqi's, BTW
not Arabs - i have not used the term Arab once) are incapable of
Democracy, no mater how you try and twist it. I clearly said that it
was incompatible with the current religious and cultural climate. Their
religion has far more influence than our military could ever dream off,
and most Clerics want Sharia law. That added with many other factors
such are pressure from Iran, Syria etc, and a great distrust of the
US/UK and the fact that Democracy is not the average Iraq's first
priory anyway (and, even given every horrible acts he committed, many
things were better under Saddam in term of day to day life - a truth
that is horrible to swallow i know) means that i think long term it
will fail. What is happening there now is a puppet show and we will
have to occupy and have a hand in the government indefinably to keep
the fake democracy going. Because as soon as we leave the Sunni Vs Shia
civil war will in escalate and the government will crumble in much less
than a decade - probably to a shadow Iran/Syrian sponsored government,
which will be worse than Saddam for all of us. 

I dont even blame the US/UK for all of this post invasion insanity,
Iran needs to brought to justice to IMO for the supply weapons to
insurgents, thus taking advantage of this mess and trying to make is
worse and killing more of our troops.

As for me saying "they don't know what democracy is" - well they have
never experienced it, been able to study it as school or seen it on TV.
So how do they really know what's it's like to live under a democratic
government? thats not racist or patronising, thats just the way it is. 

And is this is just about democracy and/or human rights now, why Iraq?
Why not north Korea, Saudi Arabia or China? Or maybe one of the many
African countries tat are much much worse than Iraq was, they would be
easy, why did we not help them?

Whats wrong with the attitude that we might well fail anyway? Not
planning for the worst is why this has gone so wrong. MrSintra, i hope
you are right. Time will tell is some long term good can really come
from this, neither of us can predict the future, but i'm 99% sure we
are losing. I hope a am wrong, and regardless of whats happened to take
us down this road, we all must agree what we want to see is the safe
return of our troops and a good life for the Iraq's who asked for none
of this.

Anyway, that all i think i will say, but due to the fact that i have
had quotes made up and been called racist and also had other very
personal and insults remarks made i have reported this to the Mods.


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