I don't know if I qualify as "large", but this is my current status:

Your music library contains 750 albums with 9298 songs by 3275 artists

That's mainly FLAC or Vorbis (a few mp3s) taking around 130GB total.
Slimserver (6.1.1) is running on XP Pro/SP2, on a 1.3GHz athlon with
512mb and Seagate Barracuda disks (no RAID, PATA). The box is pretty
much idle apart from SS. Performance when browsing is fine, the
occasional UI pause of less than a second (for instance when going into
Browse Artists) but I can live with that. Interruptions are rare (I'm
not sure I've seen once since upgrading the server) but to be honest I
don't really stretch it - we rarely use more than one player at a time.

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