Phil Leigh;359933 Wrote: 
> Anyway, 187mV is too low for a CD or squeezebox. It will need an
> attenuator in-line to avoid overloading the input stage IMHO, depending
> on its gain staging and overload margin (headroom).
An attenuator possibly makes sense in order to free up a decent amount
of preamp volume control range, BUT...

The point I was originally trying to make is that even an amp with an
"old-fashioned" input sensitivity around the 150mV mark should not be
overloaded by the 2V signal that typically comes out of a CD player.

rh2600 needs to perform a very simple experiment:

1. Set the Squeezebox volume to maximum (100), play a loud piece of
music, and turn the Marantz's volume control up so you can hear the

2. Now turn the Marantz's volume control down. If the distortion
disappears, it was either due to clipping in the Marantz's power amp
section (nothing you can do - you need a more powerful amp), or it
might even be due to overloading of the speakers (you need speakers
with higher power handling).

On the other hand if the distortion remains even at low listening
levels, it's due to overload of the Marantz's input ciruitry. Try
turning the Squeezebox's volume down - the distortion should go away.
In this case, attenuators will fix the problem.


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