toddrc;362965 Wrote: 
> I just set up my Squeezebox and the first thing I wanted to be able to
> do is listen to the same music on my computer as what was being played
> in the other room. I have installed squeezeslave and am probably
> missing something rather obvious.
> I did not fully understand this instruction:
> 5a) ........ Append a space, plus the name of you SqueezeCenter server
> (plus any other command options you might want)
> My "Target" looks like this:
> "C:\Program Files\squeezeslave-0.8-12-win32\squeezeslave.exe"
> Thank you writing this program, I am looking forward to being able to
> use it.

I assume that's the target of a shortcut?

You have to tell Squeezeslave where the SqueezeCenter server is, unless
both are running on the same computer.  Something like:

"C:\Program Files\squeezeslave-0.8-12-win32\squeezeslave.exe"


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