>It seems to me that a lot of people are disliking the fact that comps
>appear under the artist view by design. If you have many comp albums
>the artist view becomes cluttered.

No, that's not right.  The list of Artists in Browse Artists, will not include 
artists that are only Track Artists.

What is being discussed here is what gets displayed when you want to see music 
performed by a chosen artist.  SC will display all music for that artist, and 
that's perfectly logical.

The only thing that I would perhaps suggest is that when browsing an artist to 
see a list of albums that the artist has appeared on, that compilation albums 
and guest performances on other albums are gathered together in a sub-view, eg 
under an entry "Also Appears On":

So eg:

Browse Artists / Brian Eno /

        Here Comes The Warm Jets
        No Pussyfootin'

        Also Appears On /
                28 Days Later Soundtrack
                A Brief History Of Ambient Volume 1
                A Brief History Of Ambient Volume 2

However, I still prefer the full list of music that the artist performs on to 
be listed under the artist, so I can see at a glance everything that I have for 
that artist.  Play All will play all songs, and I can sort the albums by that 
artist in various ways.

Another perhaps important thing to remember is when you have songs by an artist 
that do not belong on an album.  These usually appear under "No Album".  
However, there may be many artists with songs with "No Album", so it's seen as 
a compilation album.  If you browse to Albums > No Album, you see all songs by 
all artists that have no album.  This can be really awkward to browse - I have 
1885 songs on "No Album", which are listed over 38 pages, so trying to find a 
"No Album" song by an artist in this way is really cumbersome.

However, as all music by an artist is listed under the artist when you browse 
to them, you also get a "No Album" album there which will only show songs with 
no album by that artist, which is really nice.
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