MrSinatra;364217 Wrote: 
> Phils suggestion is what he and i would like SC to do, it doesn't do it
> yet.
Yes, I was merely suggesting an alternative future enhancement.

MrSinatra;364217 Wrote: 
> i'm not sure how albums are sorted once you browse to a certain artist
> under home > artists.  maybe alphabetical with comps at the end?  i
> don't know.  but it may or may not be possible to change th way it is
> currently, unless they modify the code.
Exactly the same as Browse Albums, except you only see albums relating
to the artist that you have chosen.

i.e. you get the same sort options, and artwork.  In fact it shares the
same sort and artwork setting, which I find a bit of a pain, in that I
often Browse Albums in alphabetical order, but when browsing albums
through Browse Artists, I order by year.

So you can select a sort order of "Artist, album" and compilation
albums should be grouped together under the configured VA name (by
default "Various Artists").

Philip Meyer
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