shermoid Wrote: 
> i am jumping on this bandwagon BIG TIME!!!  the one thing that i was
> wishing for was a NAS server that ran the slimserver software.  i have
> been using a fastora NAS-T4 for about 3 months, and just found out this
> morning that infrant's ReadyNAS 600 will run slimserver - so i sold my
> fastora to a colleague (who is not running slimserver) and ordered a
> ReadyNAS.  :)  it'll be very, VERY cool to not have to turn on the pc
> in oder to have music.
> does anyone know if you can just point a browser to the address of the
> ReadyNAS, and have the slimserver come up just like it does on the pc? 
> i imagine there would have to be some sort of web server on the
> ReadyNAS, and perhaps that's part of infrant's upload image when you
> upload their slimserver application.
> and, can you make and edit playlists right on the NAS?  or, do you have
> to use a pc for that?
> are there any other nuances to watch out for if you're using just the
> NAS box, and not the pc?  
> thanks to all who will post replies to these questions.  :)
I'm receiving a ReadyNAS 600 later this week, but I hadn't planned on
running SlimServer on it - I just want it for media storage.  I'll
probably play with SlimServer running on the ReadyNAS just to see what
it can do.

It should work pretty much the same as SlimServer running on a
computer, complete with web interface.  My biggest reservations about
the Infrant installation of SlimServer are that you can't load any
plugins that Infrant doesn't include in the installation, you have no
direct access to the SlimServer installation files, and you can't do
nightly or SVN updates.  Infrant didn't even install all of the
standard skins on their first release of 6.0.  They've recently
released 6.1 and 6.1.1 and they're listening to customers for feedback,
so later releases may be a bit more flexible.

Another reservation I have about running SlimServer on these appliances
is that they have limited CPU horsepower.  They may be "acceptable"
speed-wise (and I suspect the ReadyNAS is more powerful than the other
devices that can run SlimServer) but it remains to be seen how they'll
perform with very large libraries.  For me I think it'll be worth
investing $500-$800 for a dedicated box to run SlimServer, plus maybe
some other server based stuff.


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