Moonbase;370105 Wrote: 
> Player volume (hopefully) shouldn’t play a big role here. It must be
> taken into account that we might want to stream synced to more than one
> player, so the base stuff should be done before, as lightweight as
> possible, and preferably only once. (Allowing to generate one
> »corrected« signal and distribute that to all players involved, thereby
> reducing computing overhead in the server. Don’t know if this is
> feasible with the current architecture.)
Hang on a minute. My reading of what you've said here suggests to me
that you're proposing that the server should apply ReplayGain to the
audio samples prior to sending it to the players. If I've
misunderstaood what you're saying, my apologies. If however that is
what you're saying, then this is absolutely, unequivocally the wrong
way to do it. The audio samples *must* be sent to each player
unmolested, for a variety of reasons:

1. Some players might have ReplayGain enabled, others not. Some may
want to use track gain, others album gain. You can't apply the
ReplayGain at the server end once for all clients.
2. The ReplayGain adjustment (which is done in the digital domain)
should be applied after the signal has been widened to 24 bits within
the player (in order to preserve resolution). If it's done in the
server, you'd have to widen it to 24 bits, which might involve
on-the-fly decoding to WAV, widening and either re-encoding back to
FLAC or acceptance of increased network bandwidth requirements.
3. Some of us run SqueezeCenter on low-power servers, which may not
have the CPU available to perform all this stuff at the server.
4. There may be some more reasons I've not thought of.


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