auronthas;376579 Wrote: 
> When i clear playlist using iPeng 1.0.4, it only clears the playlist in
> iPeng but not in SC (default skin). I am using the latest official SC
> 7.3.1 release in Mac OS platform. 

You used the Trash Can icon?
Works here for me (7.3.1, OSX 10.5.6, iPeng 1.0.4).
Does the playlist continue to play or does the player at least stop?
Is the playlist still there is you re-load the Web Interface?

diamar;376583 Wrote: 
> Not sure if you've played with/tested Dynamic Playlists, but they seem
> to be minorly broken with iPeng when accessed from the Favorites menu.

No, I'll check.

asymtot;376618 Wrote: 
> I have 350 albums and have waited hours but still nothing.  I have gone
> back and forth many times.
> The list is completely empty.  But just now I powered down the ipod and
> restarted it and now there has been a "loading spinner" in the albums
> page for about five minutes.  I went back and forth between artists and
> albums and now the spinner is gone but still no albums.
> I have also tried to flush the cache, but nothing seems to happen when
> I press the red button and confirm.  I can't tell if it is doing
> anything.
> It seems to work fine when I browse artists.  When I press an artist, I
> then see the relevant albums (but no album art) and then the tracks when
> I press the album button.
> Thanks for the help.

350 albums is not a lot, should take less than 20s to load these.
The cover art part is normal when albums don't get loaded.
Which server version are you on? Would you be willing to provide a
server log for me?
You would have to do the following:

1. Find your server.log.  You get the path from your SC's WebUI
Note: you need to find the log in the finder, the link in the webUI
doesn't do it.
2. shut down your server
3. delete server.log
4. start the server and wait until the "Web Access" button becomes
5. Go back to Settings->Advanced->Logging and set "(network.jsonrpc) -
JSON-RPC API Logging" to "Debug" and press "Apply" at the bottom of the
6. start iPeng and wait until it crashes (you can go straight to albums
to provoke it)
7. send me the server.log that you have now.
8. Set "(network.jsonrpc) - JSON-RPC API Logging" back to "Error" and
press "Apply" (or you get really big log files).


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