CatBus wrote:
> bgriffis;377323 Wrote: 
>> Everything I've read indicates that current hardware will be firmware
>> upgradeable to be compliant with the final 802.11n spec
> Everything I've read says this too.  But the spec is being written by
> those who stand to profit more if the final spec is NOT firmware
> upgradable from existing products (because they can sell us another
> one!).  Consumer electronics has a long, ugly history of completely
> unneccessary incompatibilities being foisted on consumers to shore up
> profit margins.  802.11n may be an exception, maybe not.

As the great philosopher Yogi Berra said, It aint' over 'til its over.

There are folks arguing, with good cause, that 11n should more strongly
deprecate the 2.4gHz band, keep it only for legacy interaction. This
would be a good thing, IMHO, but its contentious.

The important point today is that since its not final, there are not
tons of small, power efficient, inexpensive chips to handle it. Its not
mass market ready -- today its for early adopters.

The only fact here is that SlimDevices/Logitech never comments on future

My prediction, and I'm a user/customer, not an insider, is that there
will be nothing about 11n until Mouser and DigiKey have lots of
commercially ready products, in stock.

All the discussion on the forums of the world isn't going to change that.

Pat Farrell

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