iPhone;375006 Wrote: 
> Most importantly, its not really needed for what the Squeezeboxes do at
> this time.

I disagree here.  Sure, if bandwidth were the only consideration, they
don't even need to use 802.11g.  But there's range considerations too. 
Considering that they've got new portable devices (Controller, Boom) and
users are already fighting with range issues within the confines of
their own houses (see comments in bug#6085), it would be an
improvement, at least in some cases.  And it'd probably be a noticeable
improvement for the original poster too.

Maybe not enough to justify the per-unit cost, but it'd be an
improvement.  If I were SlimDevices it certainly wouldn't be my biggest
priority, but it'd still be on the list.  If the list included
technologies that do not yet exist, such as 802.11n...

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