Howard Passman wrote:
> peter;381812 Wrote: 
>> Robin Bowes wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> Net::UDAP is a Perl module to configure the SqueezeBox Receiver (SBR)
>>> from a PC, i.e. without requiring a SqueezeBox Controller (SBC).
>>> The project homepage is here:
>>> Net::UDAP was originally released in June 2008 and there have been no
>>> significant changes since then. However, I've recently updated the 
>>> documentation so thought I'd post this announcement in case anyone
>> tried 
>>> it previously but got stuck for whatever reason.
>> I've 'compiled' this version with perlapp from the Activestate Perl
>> PDK. 
>> The resulting executable is a probably bit easier to user for the
>> average
>> SB user. You can put it up on the Net-UDAP page if you want.
>> Regards,
>> Peter
> Hi Peter,
> I got your UI to work, but am not sure how to change parameters.  I
> assumed "set" then the parameter name and then the value, but that
> wasn't it.  Could you give us less technical folks a hint about how to
> change or set parameters.


There's a guide here:

In a nutshell, you're right; setting/changing parameters is done, e.g., 
like this:

UDAP> discover
UDAP> list
  #    MAC Address    Type       Status
== ================= ========== ===============
  1 00:04:20:16:05:8f squeezebox init
UDAP> configure 1
UDAP [1] (squeezebox 16058f)> set server_address=
UDAP [1] (squeezebox 16058f)> save_data

> Also, it appears you have to reset the device to default in order to
> get in to it.  If someone wanted to change one parameter is it possible
> for you to make is so we could "discover" a specific MAC address or ip?

You don't have to reset the device - just put it in init mode, i.e. 
slow-blinking red LED.

> Thanks to you and Robin for all the work.  My only comment is the folks
> that really need this (first time users of the SBR) probably won't be
> able to use the tool unless you come up with a much easier UI.

I initially started work on a SC plugin that does this - I ought to 
re-visit it and get it finished. Spare time is the issue...


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