pippin;384874 Wrote: 
> > > > 
> > 2. Yep, I have IR Blaster doing the volume thing to the amp. My point
> > is once this is set up, the vol control on iPeng is fixed at 100% and
> > you can't control the volume via iPeng, so I need to keep the
> > squeezebox or amp remote around. Would be nice if iPeng could cope with
> > this, but probably hard to implement in a really 'neat' way. But super
> > handy if you could as a lot of audio people (ie iPeng users, gadget
> > fiends etc!) much prefer not to use the digital volume....  
> > > > 
> I don't quite understand how that work, then? How does IRblaster
> change the volume if it's fixed in SC? Is there a special plugin
> menu? Does it only work with the IR remote? Anything where I can step
> in to do something?

IR Blaster allows you to input the correct IR codes so that an IR
transmitter (often called a 'bug') connected to the headphone socket on
a Squeezebox will send these codes to control another device.

You can set it up so that when you press Volume-Up or Volume-Down on
the SB3 remote, it doesn't alter the SB3 volume, but instead sends a
volume IR command to your amp.

Because you don't have 'traditional' Volume-Up or Volume-Down buttons
in the iPeng app, this functionality is lost.  An alternative would be
to have an option to use such buttons instead of the volume slider, but
that doesn't fit with your design model particularly.  Also, I don't
know what CLI commands would need to be sent by iPeng to mimic the V.Up
and V.Down actions, and whether they would automatically trigger the
IRRemote actions.

If someone uses an SBC with IRRemote: Is there a Volume Up/Down button
on the Controller, and does it trigger the IRRemote actions?


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