Steve Bernard, Jr wrote:
>> Say, would you be able to solve my biggest iTunes problem?  I create m3u
>> files when I rip my CD collections.  This works well on the many music
>> clients I use including SqueezeCenter.  But iTunes always creates double
>> entries because of these files.  I understand if the paths match and are
>> absolute this may not happen.  But I routinely mount my collection on
>> different computers at different locations.  Therefore I'm not willing
>> to forsake the powerful advantage of relative paths just to satisfy
>> iTunes.  Besides, windows does not handle absolute paths well as the
>> user has little control over the mounting point (i.e. the windows drive
>> letter).  Is there an iTunes setting such that it will ignore or
>> properly use the m3u files?
> I don't have a great answer for this as I too find that iTunes has
> pretty crummy support for external playlists.  I guess the simplest
> option would be to not use the "Add file to library" or "Add folder to
> library" functions within iTunes, but instead right click at the top
> of your library and select Search.  Then search for *.mp3 and wait for
> all the results to come up.  Then ctrl-A to select all and drag them
> all into the iTunes library,  That'll let you import only your MP3
> files a none of your playlists.
> -Steve

Oh, first I thought ... no, I don't what to copy the music files, I just 
want to point to the music files.  Regardless, I tried the procedure. 
Afterwards I noticed disk drive usage remained unchanged.  Further, 
iTunes reported the music resided on the mounted drive. Yha-hoo!  I'm 
taping this one on the wall!  Thanks Steve.

Sorry to hijack the thread Cockeye - hopefully some of your questions 
were answered. I'm still not sure how well SC & iTunes interact.  I know 
from experience that SC is fairly solid when it comes to taking care of 
it's own MySQL data base.  From the sounds if it so is iTunes.  But 
crossing the two appears to lead to some anomalies that, evidently, 
people are either living with or have worked around.

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