dip wrote:

It would be great if in the settings of the random plugin all genres
would be shown, each having a checkbox for inclusion in the random list
or not.

(apologies if the below describes something much like what is already implemented, i don't use Shuffle/Random very often and don't have an SB or SoftSqueeze in front of me at the moment to test.)

another way to come at this would be to add a "random" option at other points in the navigation. in other words, rather than have "random" just appear at the top of the menu system, also include a random play option as a submenu of nodes like the individual genera, albums or artist. If this was a oft used option, a key mapping could be considered.

------Random Play

------Random Play

------Random Play

granted, this arrangement wouldn't directly support random playback of mixed genres. though you could get there with a smart playlist set up to filter down to multiple genres, played back in Random Play.

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