peter;408392 Wrote: 
> The plain fact is that buyers will consider a media streamer that does
> not support pre-N outdated. In fact they're already doing so, see the 
> starting post. If the competition is offering pre-N devices, any 
> sensible business will have to do the same.

I'm with pfarell on this one Peter, I think you're wrong. 

If you asked most people what kind of network they have at home, most
would say "a wifi network", or "a PC network", "an internet network",
etc. You get the picture.

The broad market, to whom these products are intended, don't know or
care about the technology so long as it works. G works with the various
pre-N approaches, end of story. There's no reason for the company to
guess or anticipate where the standard gets resolved. Buyers don't
care. The original poster is thinking too hard about things he has
limited understanding of ("I'd rather not run a separate G...) like
many people around here

If this were a product intended solely for geeks, the company would
have failed long ago.

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