aubuti wrote:
peter;413467 Wrote:
conorm1 wrote:
Cool, what is this? Did someone put a SBR and an AMP in one box or is this a whole new squeeze client device?
The former. There was a little discussion of it last November in this

Cool device. If I didn't already have more SB's than rooms I'd get one. I think it's a big mistake that SD doesn't offer a similar package. Have an amp built in solves a lot of problems. Less wiring, no hassle trying to get the amp top switch on/off with the SB. Integrated volume control...

I know there are solutions for all these problems. I tried most of them. I have powered studio monitors switched with the ampswitch plugin in the living room. I have T-amp's in the office and bedrooms permanently on. But this is a much cleaner solution.


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